Thursday 11 August 2011

Trending- Blue and green

Lime green and blue make an interesting contrast.
Cool and elegant 

Lime green chrysanthemum shamrock with blue delphiniums and blue eryngium thistles.

Elegant Arum Lillies

Zantadescia, better know to you as arum lillies or calla lilies are a stunning wedding flowers. If your dress is a long elegant column style, then an over- arm bouquet of arums will work perfectly. Simple, stylish,elegant. And, not too expensive as you don't need too many of these flowers to make an impact.

I love the pure white beauty of them, the contrast of cool pure white with the golden yellow callyx.

I would build a whole theme around them with Hollywood style glamour as the trend.

They make the perfect flower in a church, as the have impact in a large space.

In the reception area, maybe large tall vases with white arums and bear grass.

Arums do come in many colours, the white is my favourite, but I do like the green variety. If you want to be really different , and if you dare,there is a very unusual brownish velventy one. Interesting.

They also coming in varying sizes, so the small ones aew ideal as Buttonholes.

Just a few of these elegsant blooms makes a simple bouquet for a bridesmaid Simply tied with a ribbon in colour of your choice.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Summer Weddings- Fragrant Lillies

Vase of pink stargazer lillies

White oriental lillies are perfect for a summer wedding.

White Lillies

Roses and Lillies- perfect for summer.

White oriental lillies

Wednesday 3 August 2011

The other Royal Wedding

 Royal Weddings are a lot like buses, you wait for ages and then two come together. So, after the fabulous Kate.....and the equally fabulous Pippa (that is a hard act to follow)...we have Zara. 

Zara looked lovely on her wedding day, and the flowers she carried were unusual. A bouquet of white arums and thistles. Very nice. Her Matron of Honour carried a similar matching bouquet.

I expect thistles, otherwise known as eryngiums, to be very popular. They are always the obvious choice for anyone with a Scottish connection.